Accueil Supporting smarter mobility with IBM, NXP

Supporting smarter mobility with IBM, NXP

par Gabriel Plassat

A technological and innovative solution for road charging, eCall, and other services

In view of road charging for passenger cars, several companies grouped themselves into a consortium that devised a technological solution. The idea is for each vehicle to be equipped with a device (the on-board unit, OBU). Thanks to an innovative solution, the (removable) OBU is uniquely identifiable with the vehicle, which makes the technology fraud-proof. The OBU has a GPS, making its location always known. Besides this, the OBU can also communicate over the GSM network via GPRS. The location of the vehicle is transmitted in real-time to a computer (the back-end server), which on the one hand determines the exact position of the vehicle (the map-matching), and on the other hand calculates the cost per kilometre. This information is sent back to the OBU, allowing the driver to know what the cost of the trip was. At the end of the journey, an invoice can be made. The system is quite flexible:

  • It can be used for both passenger cars and trucks.
  • The tariffs hold for individual roads, or for entire areas (eg. a city). They can therefore be different for motorways and local roads.
  • Besides this, the tariffs are different with respect to the time of day (eg. morning- and evening rush hours, off-peak periods).
  • There is also a distinction between the different types of vehicles (engine capability, emissions, …).
  • It is a technological versatile solution, in which different services can be offered: road charging is one example, eCall another. In this way, other companies on the market can offer their information in an integrated way.

We expect that from the beginning of September on, 15 drivers from Leuven will perform tests with a car and on-board unit, simulating road charging amongst other things. TML's contribution to the consortium is mainly the construction of a solid support on which the tariffs for road charging can be based. At a later stage, more test drivers will be available. Based on this, we check together with the City of Leuven as to which end road charging can offer a solution for the city's mobility problems.


  • Smart Mobility in the City of Leuven, Presentation to Australia's National Transportation Council, July 7, 2010 (pdf)
  • Smart Mobility in the City of Leuven, IBM Smarter Planet Week, 2 June 2010 (pdf)
  • Een variabele prijszetting voor weggebruik in Leuven, Presentatie aan de Stad Leuven, January 14, 2010 (pdf)

press articles

Showcase road charging and eCall (21/04/2010)

  • Technologie voor rekeningrijden is klaar, De Standaard, April 22, 2010
  • Rekeningrijden, Radio 1, De Ochtend, April 22, 2010
  • Proefproject in Leuven rond slim rijden, VTM, Het Nieuws, April 21, 2010
  • Testrit rekeningrijden, ROB Vandaag, April 21, 2010
  • Intelligent rekeningrijden, Kanaal-Z, April 21, 2010
  • La boîte magique, RTBF, May 17, 2010
  • Leuven test rekeningrijden, ROB Vandaag, December 14, 2009

General articles

  • Rekeningrijden doet mensen nadenken over verplaatsingen, Verkeersspecialist 165, March 2010
  • Wat denkt de Vlaming over rekeningrijden? Radio 1, interview in Peeters & Pichal, January 29, 2010
  • Betalen om de stad in te rijden, Knack bijlage, September 2009

period :2009-2011

partners :IBM, NXP, MagicView, Mobistar, Touring, T!NC


Sven Maerivoet
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