The Open World Forum is the world's leading summit meeting bringing together decision-makers and communities to cross-fertilize open technological, economic and social initiatives to build the digital future.
1500 participants from 40 countries – The # 1 Free/Open Source summit to shape the digital future
Having made a key contribution to the Internet revolution, the Free/Open Source movement is now starting to fundamentally transform the whole fabric of technology and knowledge, and the way businesses and people use it. This is opening up colossal opportunities, and also giving rise to some tough challenges. How can organizations and individuals alike take advantage of the Free/Open Source way to strenghten their competitiveness and to support innovation? How can public institutions and governments make use of it to kick-start the economy and employment? What technological, economic and societal breakthroughs in Free/Open Source can we expect in the future? It is on order to explore these issues that the Open World Forum is being held. Founded in 2008 by a heavyweight group of communities and IT players, the Open World Forum is the premier global summit meeting in this field, bringing together decisions-makers from across the world.