Accueil Nouvelle réglementation automobile en Californie concernant l'isolation solaire

Nouvelle réglementation automobile en Californie concernant l'isolation solaire

par Gabriel PLASSAT

Après avoir été le premier à intégrer la climatisation dans la réglementation CO2 et polluants, la californie poursuit dans l'isolation vis à vis du flux solaire. L'Europe, quant à elle, n'a toujours pas intégré la climatisation dans les cycles réglementaires, ce qui conduit à des écarts entre les consommations réelles et réglementaires. Est ce que l'isolation et l'optimisation énergétique des accessoires, comme pour le batiment, ne deviendront pas indispensables dans les années à venir, notamment pour les véhicules électriques ?

A regulation to cut greenhouse gases by reducing heat gain in automobile interiors has been approved by the Air Resources Board (ARB) and begins phasing in with the 2012 model year. The regulation requires that passenger cars, pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles be equipped with windows that reduce the amount of heat that enters the vehicle from solar radiation. Less heat inside the vehicle will allow air conditioning units to be downsized or used less, thereby increasing fuel economy and reducing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the vehicle when it is in use.

Staff estimates that when the regulation is fully phased in it will prevent 1 million metric tons of the greenhouse gas CO2 from being emitted into the air.

The regulation, requiring a 60 percent reduction in heat absorption through vehicle windows when fully implemented, was approved by the ARB Board on June 25, 2009. Starting in the 2016 model-year, manufacturers can utilize other solar reduction technologies to meet the requirements.  This will allow manufacturers more flexibility in meeting the 60 percent reduction goal. Stakeholders are currently working to produce an alternate compliance method, which is scheduled for presentation to the Board next summer.

This regulation was created as one of the compliance strategies for the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, also known as AB 32.


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