Accueil Le Management de la Mobilité (projet EPOMM)

Le Management de la Mobilité (projet EPOMM)

par Gabriel PLASSAT

Ce projet européen sur le management de la mobilité, développe des outils, des méthodes pour aborder la mobilité dans son ensemble, pour apporter une vision systémique, pour gérer l'offre et la demande.Epomm_logo
is the European Platform on Mobility Management (click
here), a network of governments in European countries that are engaged in Mobility Management (MM). They are represented by the Ministries that are responsible for MM in their countries. EPOMM is organised as an international non profit organisation with seat in Brussels. The main aims of EPOMM are:  to promote and further develop Mobility Management in Europe, and to support active information exchange and learning on Mobility Management between European countries.


Definition of Mobility Management

Mobility Management (MM) is a concept to promote sustainable transport and manage the demand for car use by changing travellers’ attitudes and behaviour. At the core of Mobility Management are "soft" measures like information and communication, organising services and coordinating activities of different partners. “Soft” measures most often enhance the effectiveness of "hard" measures within urban transport (e.g., new tram lines, new roads and new bike lanes). Mobility Management measures (in comparison to "hard" measures) do not necessarily require large financial investments and may have a high benefit-cost ratio.

The MAX Project developped a Definition of Mobility Management Besides English it is available in 14 other European Languages:


Mobility Management in more detail :

On the interactive graph you see the various aspects within MM. It mirrors the overview you can see in the navigation on the left:

· The various clients that want to implement mobility management

· The user services to achieve a desired mobility behaviour

· The instruments that bring these services to the end users

· The target groups of end users to be addressed

The case studies of the case study database are linked to each of these aspects – so on each aspect you can immediately find fitting, up-to-date examples. In the user manual, you can read on all this in form of a booklet.

Focus on Mobility Centre (nous retrouvons ici la notion d'un pilotage global des offres multimodales, reste à rajouter le pilotage contraintes/récompenses) :

A Mobility Centre is the operating unit at the urban/regional level, where Mobility Services are initiated, organised and provided. The establishment of a Mobility Centre is an important milestone and serves as a crystallisation point for
Mobility Management.

There are two basics for a Mobility Centre:

·     a multi-modal approach in the provision of services

·     individual access for the public via personal visit, phone, fax, e-mail, information terminals or online services


A Mobility Centre concentrates all services and thus serves as a platform – a place for communication and exchange. Its presence can give Mobility Management a public face and, thus, promote its presence in the transport marketplace.

The structure of a Mobility Centre will vary according to needs and resources. It can be organised and financed by transport providers or jointly with local authorities and private initiatives. However, a Mobility Centre is more than only information about local public transport and ticket sales (see services): its objective should be to serve the clients as adequate and detailed as possible, from providing information until finally putting forward a reservation.


A city-wide Mobility Centre should be located in a central location for easy access, but decentralised ones and branch offices can be closer to target groups or sites. Besides permanent Mobility Centres there can be temporary or mobile ones for special demands and events.

4 case Studies :

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