{"id":521,"date":"2010-11-17T09:23:16","date_gmt":"2010-11-17T09:23:16","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/transportsdufutur.ademe.fr\/?p=521"},"modified":"2015-07-21T16:37:33","modified_gmt":"2015-07-21T16:37:33","slug":"et-si-linde-inventait-le-covoiturage-dans-les-megalopoles","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/transportsdufutur.ademe.fr\/2010\/11\/et-si-linde-inventait-le-covoiturage-dans-les-megalopoles.html","title":{"rendered":"Et si l'Inde inventait le covoiturage dynamique et s\u00e9curis\u00e9 pour les m\u00e9galopoles ?"},"content":{"rendered":"
Megacarpool.com<\/a><\/strong> : Utilisant des tablettes num\u00e9riques connect\u00e9es \u00e0 internet avec GPS, les v\u00e9hicules qui offrent des places sont g\u00e9olocalis\u00e9s. La demande de transport (donc de si\u00e8ge libre) est effectu\u00e9e par SMS ou t\u00e9l\u00e9phone, l'offre correspondante se pr\u00e9sente, offre une s\u00e9curisation via la tablette par des identifications par photos. Les covoitur\u00e9s payent ou utilisent des points gagn\u00e9s quand ils \u00e9taient covoitureurs. Une monnaie libre est donc utilis\u00e9e pour payer des courses, sachant que ces points peuvent \u00eatre donn\u00e9s \u00e0 d'autres personnes. Tout le d\u00e9tail, ci dessous (et ici<\/a><\/strong>):<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Now, you can share your ride to work and in the process save on fuel, avoid hassle of driving and help the city ease jams and parking woes. In a new carpooling initiative in the capital , backed by the transport department , Delhiites can now register with a service and start offering rides to other members to earn miles in return . These can be redeemed for rides in cars of other members of the carpool clubs. <\/p>\n The process is simple . Any car owner in the city can enrol for the scheme by registering with the service provider . Each member will be given a tablet , a mini computer like device , to be installed in the vehicle and a smartcard bearing his photograph . When the member needs a ride , which could range from regular trips to office to even one-off rides to the nearby market for shopping , he needs to call the centralized helpline number of the service provider to requisition a ride . The request will flash on tablets installed in the cars of all members driving in that area , who will be tracked through a Global Positioning System<\/a> (GPS ) fitted in the device . Members driving in that direction can offer a ride to the person who requested service . <\/p>\n To make the system secure , the photograph and details of persons who are offering the ride and those who are getting the ride will be exchanged between the members using the backend server . To keep the exchange of system fair , the subscriber will maintain a miles account for every member . When a card holder will get into another member's car , the smartcard will have to be flashed before the GPS<\/a> device . <\/p>\n The mileage till the drop-off point is added to the account of the car owner and subtracted from that of the other . Every member can give lifts and redeem the mileage points earned by taking lifts from other users . <\/p>\n<\/a> <\/p>\n