{"id":147,"date":"2013-07-10T19:42:16","date_gmt":"2013-07-10T19:42:16","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/transportsdufutur.ademe.fr\/?p=147"},"modified":"2015-07-21T16:35:40","modified_gmt":"2015-07-21T16:35:40","slug":"et-si-nous-innovions-sur-la-fiscalite-des-carburants","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/transportsdufutur.ademe.fr\/2013\/07\/et-si-nous-innovions-sur-la-fiscalite-des-carburants.html","title":{"rendered":"Et si nous innovions sur la fiscalit\u00e9 des carburants ?"},"content":{"rendered":"
L'Oregon exp\u00e9rimente peut \u00eatre la fiscalit\u00e9 du futur. Apr\u00e8s avoir "invent\u00e9" la taxe sur les produits p\u00e9troliers en 1919, l'Oregon vient de mettre en place un programme particuli\u00e8rement innovant (voir cet article The Era of Pay per Mile Driving has begun<\/a><\/strong>). <\/p>\n Un article r\u00e9dig\u00e9 sur ce blog en 2009 (Le prix du carburant a-t-il une limite<\/a><\/strong>) indiquait d\u00e9j\u00e0 le potentiel d'une taxe bas\u00e9e sur les usages. Ce changement de "support" ouvre vers de nombreuses innovations politiques, permettant de soutenir de nouvelles organisations, de nouvelles pratiques de mobilit\u00e9. Et si les innovations sur la fiscalit\u00e9 \u00e9taient un puissant levier pour changer les comportements, pour rendre plus coh\u00e9rents des objectifs \u00e0 atteindre et des mesures politiques, et \u00e9galement pour accompagner la naissance d'une nouvelle fili\u00e8re industrielle des syst\u00e8mes de transports intelligents? <\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n "This weekend the Oregon legislature passed a bill<\/a> to replace the state's gas tax program with a "pay per-mile road usage charge" often known as a vehicle-miles traveled (or VMT) tax<\/a>. Drivers who make the switch will pay 1.5 cents for every mile they drive instead of 30 cents per gallon at the pump. The extent of the current law in greatly limited \u2014 participation will be voluntary and capped at 5,000 drivers \u2014 but its potential as a model for the country is not." <\/p>\n Cette premi\u00e8re \u00e9tape vise \u00e0 quantifier et qualifier les cons\u00e9quences en mati\u00e8re de changement de comportement d'une fiscalit\u00e9 plus d\u00e9pendante des usages et des choix. Elle a n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 plusieurs ann\u00e9es pour \u00eatre mise en oeuvre.<\/p>\n "The state has been preparing the public for a per-mile road charge since back in 2007, when it completed a pilot program that demonstrated the viability of a VMT tax. The pilot had the dual effect of encouraging public support, with 9 in 10 participants liking the switch. Another pilot<\/a>, which wrapped up earlier this year, tested five mileage reporting methods, from smartphone tracking to a simple odometer, to address the fears of Big Brother.<\/p>\n This model of testing and transparency<\/a> is exactly the approach that experts have recommended to overcome the public's perception problem toward road pricing. First officials must demonstrate the effectiveness of these programs through a pilot, then they must inform people how the new systems will work. That's the winning formula, and wittingly or not, that's the one Oregon followed.<\/p>\n That doesn't mean criticism of a per-mile fee system will disappear. A common complaint \u2014 echoed by at least one state representative after the recent vote<\/a> \u2014 is that a VMT tax removes a person's incentive to buy an electric or hybrid car. It's true that these drivers lose some of their cost advantage in a VMT system, but you buy a Leaf or a Prius to save on gas costs in general, not tiny gas taxes<\/em> in particular, and of course to be environmentally conscious.<\/p>\n Besides, one can even argue that a VMT system might reduce auto-dependency by keeping people aware of their driving costs \u2014 just as they're aware, through monthly bills, of their other utility expenses. Additionally, an advanced VMT tax is even capable of controlling congestion on certain roads by varying the fee. And as long as some of the money goes toward enhancing public transit in low-income corridors, there's no reason a VMT program can't be equitable."<\/p>\n Le transfert du support physique, le carburant, vers un support immat\u00e9riel, les traces num\u00e9riques, pr\u00e9sente de nombreux avantages, d\u00e9j\u00e0 identifi\u00e9s en 2009 :<\/p>\n