The many possibilities this integrated service platform offers are becoming especially apparent in megacities. The Singapore government has recognized this opportunity and is now working together with Bosch to make this pioneering technology a reality. —Franz Fehrenbach, chairman of the Bosch board of management
The Bosch Group has successfully bid for a pilot project in Singapore that includes a software-based service platform for e-mobility, as well as the necessary charging and communication infrastructure that goes with it. The target customers and users of the platform are people who drive or rent electric vehicles.
The internet-based eMobility Solution not only helps drivers find available charge spots, but also lets them reserve spots in advance. The eMobility Solution is designed to be open and flexible, so that additional business models and value-added services can be integrated, such as the option for drivers to reserve power from renewable sources at the corresponding “eco-rates" or plan routes including alternative forms of transportation.
Service providers, for example, could propose routes to drivers that take into account their electric vehicles’ ranges, the charge spots that are available, and the current traffic situation. On their navigation devices and cell phones, drivers could also receive information about the best way to reach their destinations using alternate routes that include public transportation.
The Bosch solution is based on Bosch’s Visual Rules software, which allows specialist users to independently define and modify business rules. The software also makes it possible for other companies to integrate their business models into the eMobility Solution. Those companies might include operators of parking garages or facility managers, for example. The solution can be adapted to existing information and energy networks, allowing an e-mobility network to be tailored to the existing infrastructure in a given city.
The service platform was specifically designed to be open enough to allow competing companies—public utilities, for example—to participate as well, or other providers to integrate their charge spots. The approach deliberately encourages unrestricted competition for creative ideas relating to e-mobility. It is accessible and flexible, offering customers a broad range of services and a high level of information security at the same time.
Project management will be provided by the software and systems unit of the Bosch Group. The software and systems unit is headquartered in Immenstaad, Germany, and has additional locations in Singapore, Chicago, and Stuttgart. It employs nearly 300 specialists, who engineer software for energy management, mobility, and the finance industry.
The software and systems unit’s web-based solutions are designed to network different components and systems via the Internet in such a way as to give rise to new business models for users and operators. That especially applies to technologies that are relevant for Bosch—technologies related to energy, mobility, health, and the environment.
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2 commentaires
EDF propose un service équivalent pour ses 100 voitures hybrides actuellement en test à Strasbourg. Avec une question qui reste en suspens à mes yeux : garantir la réservation de places de recharge / stationnement ne sera-t-il pas un fort incitatif à l’usage de la voiture ?
L’ADEME suit ce projet à Strasbourg. Cette question est tout à fait pertinente, et revient à s’interroger sur le(s) frein(s) à l’usage de l’auto en libre service. Si c’est le prix, son équité sociale sera également mise en défaut… La particularité de Singapour est l’unique « autorité » pour tous les modes.